Centre Universitaire de la Mi-Voix
50, rue Ferdinand Buisson, BP 699
62228 Calais Cedex - France
Office: C135
Current position:
I am Maître de Conférences at Université du Littoral côte d'Opale, Calais (France), in the team LMPA. I am a member of the ANR CORTIPOM (COmbinatorial Representation Theory and Interaction with PrObabilistic Models). I co-organize the weekly ADA team seminar with Lucille Devin and Pierre-Louis Giscard.
Previous positions:
- In 2024 I was a Humboldt research fellowship (2024-2026, declined after 6 months), Bochum (Germany) with Christian Stump. I was on the FPSAC 2024 organizing committee.
- In 2022/2023 I was doing a postdoc in algebra and algebraic combinatorics at the University of Sydney (Australia) with James Parkinson.
- In 2021/2022 I was a CNRS postdoc in algebra and algebraic combinatorics at Université de Tours and Institut Denis Poisson (France) with Thomas Gobet, Jérémie Guilhot, Cédric Lecouvey.
- I earned my Ph.D. (2021) in Mathematics from Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada) under the advisory of Christophe Hohlweg and Hugh Thomas.
Scientific interests:
Coxeter groups, Weyl and affine Weyl groups
Bruhat order on fixed point cosets
Kazhdan-Lusztig cells, representations of Hecke algebras
Shi regions, minimal elements of Shi regions and low elements
Shi varieties
Automata theory and Garside shadows related to the language of reduced words in Coxeter groups
Root systems of Coxeter groups
Lattice theory
Toric varieties in relation with generalized associahedra.
Lie algebras
Kac-Moody algebras and crystal theory
Number theory via diophantine equations and core partitions