

Centre Universitaire de la Mi-Voix

50, rue Ferdinand Buisson, BP 699

62228 Calais Cedex - France

Office: C135

Current position:

I am Maître de Conférences at Université du Littoral côte d'Opale, Calais (France), in the team LMPA.  I am a member of the ANR CORTIPOM (COmbinatorial Representation Theory and Interaction with PrObabilistic Models). I co-organize the weekly ADA team seminar with Lucille Devin  and Pierre-Louis Giscard.

Events to come:

Previous positions:

- In 2024 I was a Humboldt research fellowship (2024-2026, declined after 6 months), Bochum (Germany) with Christian Stump. I was on the FPSAC 2024 organizing committee. 

- In 2022/2023 I was doing a postdoc in algebra and algebraic combinatorics at the University of Sydney (Australia) with James Parkinson.

- In 2021/2022 I was a CNRS postdoc in algebra and algebraic combinatorics at Université de Tours and Institut Denis Poisson (France) with Thomas Gobet, Jérémie Guilhot, Cédric Lecouvey.

- I earned my Ph.D. (2021) in Mathematics from Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada) under the advisory of Christophe Hohlweg and Hugh Thomas.

Scientific interests: