Link to all the articles: zbMATH
Accepted or published papers:
Shi variety corresponding to an affine Weyl group. Bulletin of The London Mathematical Society, 2020/2024. [Journal, arXiv]
An order on circular permutations (with A. Abram, C. Reutenauer). Electronic journal of combinatorics, 2021. [Journal, arXiv, HAL]
Lattice associated to a Shi variety. Journal of combinatorics, 2021. [Journal, arXiv, HAL]
Affine twisted length function. Comptes Rendus Mathématique, 2021. [Journal, arXiv, HAL]
A symmetric group action on the irreducible components of the Shi variety in type A. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 2020. [Journal, arXiv, HAL]
ABHY Associahedra and Newton polytopes of F-polynomials for finite type cluster algebras (with V. Bazier-Matte, G. Douville, K. Mousavand, H. Thomas, E. Yildirim). Journal of The London Mathematical Society, 2019/2023. [Journal, arXiv, HAL]
Shi arrangements and low elements in affine Coxeter groups (with C. Hohlweg). Canadian Journal of Mathemathics, 2022. [Journal, arXiv, HAL]
Atomic length in Weyl groups, (with T. Gerber). Journal of Combinatorial Algebra, 2022. [Journal, arXiv, HAL]
Elements of minimal length and Bruhat order on fixed point cosets of Coxeter groups (with T. Gobet). Algebraic combinatorics, 2023. [Journal, arXiv, HAL]
Submitted papers:
Orientation of alcoves in affine Weyl groups, 2022. [arXiv]
Low elements in dominant Shi regions, 2023. [arXiv]
Generalised core partitions and Diophantine equations, 2024 (with O. Brunat, T. Gerber). [arXiv, HAL]
The asymptotic Plancherel formula and Lusztig's asymptotic algebra in affine type A, 2024 (with J. Guilhot, E. Little, J. Parkinson). [arXiv, HAL]
A counterexample to a Brenti-Carnevale conjecture, 2024 (with Jean Fromentin). [arXiv]
My Ph.D. thesis:
Variétés de Shi associées aux groupes de Weyl affines, 2021. (Manuscript)
My Co-authors:
Antoine Abram, Véronique Bazier-Matte, Olivier Brunat, Jean Fromentin, Thomas Gerber, Thomas Gobet, Jérémie Guilhot, Christophe Hohlweg, Eloise Little, Kaveh Mousavand, James Parkinson, Christophe Reutenauer, Hugh Thomas, Emine Yildirim.